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Types 316 and 317 are "18-8" chromium-nickel stainless steels modified by the addition of molybdenum, which greatly increases the corrosion resistance as well as the mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. These grades are non magnetic in the annealed condition and not hardenable by heat treatment. Since they have good cold forming and drawing properties, these grades are outstanding stainless steels suitable for a large number of applications. Manufactured by the electric-furnace process, these grades meet the exacting standards of the aircraft industry. Bars and Plates are available not only in the regular Type 316 analysis, but also in an extra low carbon analysis known as Type 316L. The advantage of the reduced carbon content is that it precludes any harmful precipitation in the 800°-1500°F range, such as might otherwise occur in welding heavier sections. Types 317 and 317L are available in plate and with increased chromium, nickel, and molybdenum contents can be used in even more severe corrosive and high temperature applications.
TYPES 316 and 316L
Sheets, Plates, Bars, and Angles

UNS S31600, S31603

Color Markings:
Type 316 Bars—Ends Pink with Black Stripe
Type 316 Plate—Corner Striped Pink with Black Stripe
Type 316L Bars—Ends Pink with Blue Stripe
Type 316L Plate—Corner Striped Pink with Blue Stripe
Type 317 Plates—Corner Striped Blue with Pink Stripe
Type 317L Plates—Corner Striped Aluminum

Stock Lengths 10' to 12'
Unit of Measure


Estimated Weight per Foot

N/A 6.631 lb

Estimated Weight 12-Ft. Bar

N/A 79.56 lb


N/A Carbon .08 Max.
Manganese 2.00 Max.
Phosphorus .04 Max.
Sulphur .030 Max.
Si. 1.00 Max.
Ni. 10.00/14.00
Mo. 2.00/3.00
Cu. .75 Max.
N .10 Max.


N/A The following specifications are generally applicable:
Types 316 and 316L:
Sheets & Plates: MIL-S-5059, ASTM A 167, ASTM A 240, QQ-S-766
Bars & Angles: MIL-S-7720, AMS 5648, QQ-S-763, ASTM A 276, ASTM A 479

Types 317 and 317L:
Plates: ASTM A 240


N/A Widely used in the paper, textile, and chemical industries, where parts are subjected to the corrosive effects of salts and reducing acids. Also used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals in order to avoid excessive metallic contamination. Because Type 316 possesses the highest creep and tensile strength at elevated temperatures of any of the more commonly used stainless steels, it finds extensive use where the combination of high strength and good corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures is required. In aircraft applications, Type 316 is used for parts requiring good corrosion resistance and low magnetic permeability. Types 317 and 317L, with higher alloy content, would be suitable for the more severe corrosion applications.

Corrosion Resistance

N/A Types 316 and 317 are more resistant to atmospheric and general corrosive conditions than any of the other standard stainless steels. They have good resistance to the corrosive effects of sulphates, phosphates, and other salts as well as reducing acids such as sulphuric, sulphurous, and phosphoric. These grades are less susceptible to pitting in applications where acetic acid vapors or solutions of chlorides, bromides, or iodides are encountered. When heated to within the temperature range of 800°-1500°F, or when slowly cooled through this range, these grades are subject to intergranular corrosion. If the application requires this, then the low carbon version, Types 316L or 317L, should be used.

Resistance to Scaling

N/A Excellent scale resistance at temperatures up to 1650°F in continuous service.

Mechanical Properties

N/A Sheets
Tensile Strength - 75.000/100.000 psi
Yield Strength - 30,000 psi Min.
Elongation in 2" - 40% Min.

H.R. Bars
Tensile Strength - 75.000/115.000 psi
Yield Strength - 30,000 psi Min.
Elongation in 2" - 40% Min.
Reduction of Area 50% Min.

C.F. Bars
1/2" & under
Tensile Strength - 90.000/125.000 psi
Yield Strength - 45,000 psi Min.
Elongation in 2" - 35% Min.
Reduction of Area 45% Min.
over 1/2"
Tensile Strength - 75.000 psi Min.
Yield Strength - 30,000 psi Min.
Elongation in 2" - 35% Min.
Reduction of Area 50% Min.


N/A Types 316 and 317 have a machinability rating of approximately 45 %, with 1212 rated 100 %. Surface cutting speed on automatic screw machines is approximately 75 feet per minute.


N/A Easily welded by all the .commercial processes except forge or hammer welding. Annealing after welding is recommended to obtain maximum corrosion resistance.


N/A These grades have good drawing and stamping properties.


N/A Forge between 2100° and 2300°F. Do not forge below 1700°F.


N/A Annealing range is between 1850° and 2050°F. Cool rapidly. Water should be used for heavier sections; air for lighter sections. The stress relieving range is between 400° and 750°F.