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This chromium nickel molybdenum alloy is primarily a carburizing grade capable of attaining high case hardness with high core strength and toughness. Its high alloy content makes it suitable for components with relatively heavy sections. The combination of high alloy content and low carbon makes it possible to achieve a high core hardness with a narrow hardness range between heavier and thinner sections.

It is an alloy that offers strength with excellent toughness and ductility, and it may be
Unit of Measure


Estimated Weight per Foot

.6682 lb

Estimated Weight 12-Ft. Bar

8.019 lb


N/A Carbon .17/.13
Manganese .40/.70
Phosphorus .025 Max.
Sulphur .025 Max.
Si. .15/.35
Cr. 1.00/1.40
Ni. 3.00/3.50
Mo. .08/.15


N/A Intended primarily for critical carburized parts requiring high minimum core hardness with a relatively narrow hardness range. Also where rigid magnetic particle inspection standards are utilized in final inspection.

Premium Aircraft Quality is used where even more stringent cleanliness is required, as well as for highly stressed parts requiring greater transverse ductility and toughness.


N/A End-quench hardenability values are Rockwell "C" 43 maximum at 1/16" and Rockwell "C" 31 minimum at 6/16"

Heat Treating

N/A Normalize—1700°F
Carbiirize—1700 °F
Temper—300 °F for maximum strength and hardness
450 °F for maximum core toughness