UNS S30200. S30400, S30403
Physical Condition A
Stock Lengths 10' to 12' less
The following specifications are generally applicable:
N/A Used where corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties are primary requirements. These grades are widely accepted in such industries as dairy, beverage, and other food products where the highest degree of sanitation and cleanliness is of prime importance. Parts for handling acetic, nitric, and citric acids, organic and inorganic chemicals, dyestuffs, crude and refined oils, etc., are fabricated from this material. Because of its lack of magnetism it is highly desirable for instruments. It is also widely used for architectural trim. Type 302 sheets are used in aircraft applications where corrosion resistance is required, but where gas or arc welding and elevated temperatures are not involved. Type 304, as noted above, finds particular use in applications requiring welding. |
Corrosion Resistance
N/A Types 302 and 304 show good resistance to corrosion. They are highly resistant to strong oxidizing acids, such as nitric acid, and resist attack by a wide variety of organic and inorganic chemicals. Maximum corrosion resistance is obtained in the annealed condition. Intergranular corrosion may occur when material is heated within or cooled through the range of 800° to 1500°F. |
Resistance to Scaling
N/A Excellent scale resistance at temperatures up to 1600°F in continuous service. Chromium-nickel grades have a high coefficient of expansion, which should be considered in designing. |
Mechanical Properties
Applicable specifications require the following properties of sheets in the annealed condition:
N/A Types 302 and 304 have a machinability rating of approximately 45% with 1212 rated as 100%. Surface cutting speed on automatic screw machines is approximately 75 feet per minute. |