These are "triple alloy" carburizing steels. The nickel imparts good toughness and ductility, and the chromium and molybdenum contribute increased hardness penetration and wear. They are readily carburized, and the well-balanced alloy content permits hardening to produce a strong, tough core and high case hardness. They have excellent machinability and respond well to polishing operations. Because of the fine combination of properties that may be developed, as well as the ease with which it maymore
Unit of Measure

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Item #

Estimated Weight per Foot

Estimated Weight 12-Ft. Bar

N/A .1671 lb N/A 2.005 lb
N/A .2610 lb N/A 3.132 lb
N/A .3759 lb N/A 4.510 lb
N/A .5116 lb N/A 6.139 lb
N/A .6682 lb N/A 8.019 lb
N/A .8457 lb N/A 10.15 lb
N/A 1.044 lb N/A 12.53 lb
N/A 1.263 lb N/A 15.16 lb
N/A 1.504 lb N/A 18.04 lb
N/A 1.765 lb N/A 21.17 lb
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