1117 is available as a leaded steel (11L17) in certain sizes. The addition of .15/.35 per cent lead improves free-machining characteristics without sacrificing carburizing properties.
Stock Lengths: 12' Approx.
Cold Finished Bars
ASTM A1more08 - UNS G11170
Color Marking
N/A This steel is used in automatic screw machines for manufacturing numerous parts requiring considerable machining and close tolerances, along with a smooth finish. It may be bent or formed where such cold working operations are not too severe. It is especially suitable for carburized parts requiring soft core and high surface hardness, such as gears, pinions, worms, king pins, ratchets, dogs, etc. |
Mechanical Properties
The following are average values for 1" cold drawn round and may be considered as representative of the grade: |
N/A 1117 has a machinability rating of 91%, based on 1212 as 100%. Average surface cutting speed is 150 feet per minute. 11L17 will machine at approximately 170 surface feet per minute. |
N/A This grade is not readily welded due to high sulphur content. Gas or arc welding may be used providing joints are preheated. To develop equivalent strength in a weld, a low alloy filler is recommended. Stress relieving after welding is also recommended. The grade of welding rod to be used depends on the thickness of section, design, service requirements, etc. |
N/A This grade will respond to any of the standard carburizing methods and subsequent heat treatments. For a hard case and a tough core, the following heat treatment is suggested: Carburize at 1650° - 1700°F for approximately eight hours. Cool in box and reheat to 1400° - 1450°F. Quench in water and draw at 300° - 350°F. |